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Turn those clapping hands into angry balled fists...

1 thing that makes Facebook worth it:

I got a bumper sticker from the excellent Vania Lopez. This is what it says:

"I'm leaning towards voting for the presidential candidate not endorsed by the worst president in American history."

Ah, God bless America -- the only country who votes for a moron not once, but twice. And then, when given a third chance -- they choose to listen to the moron who screwed them up to begin with. Why would any semi-intelligent, self-respecting, heart-possessing American vote for a man who's campaign bears bone-chilling resemblance to the hideous, idiotic, and immoral past eight years we have all witnessed/experienced/died from?

This is one of those moments -- maybe days -- that I want to yank some yuppie soccer mom (not a Palin jab, although it should be) out of her SUV, snatch her by the scruff of her neck, drag her hater-blocker wearing self to the back of tank she's driving, shove her plastic face into her 'I support our troops' magnet and remind her that supporting the troops is not the same as blindly supporting a war led by deceptive profiteers.

Supporting the troops means putting their best interest first. Bring. them. home. Though no amount of rectification will restore the lives of the some 4000 soldiers who've died. And who've died fighting a war every American has been lied to about. I do not stand for this.

I'm tired of people acting as if turning a blind eye is the same as being supportive of what is right. Beyond that, I'm tired of people following the leader just because he is elected one; being a leader does not make someone impervious to error, poor judgment, or even intentional deception. In cases like the Iraq War, doing nothing is the same as doing wrong -- lives are at stake. Lives are at stake and are lost every day because Americans sitting in their cushy easy-chairs dilute their perception of right and wrong with a sugary concoction of half "the president can choose for me" and half "I don't have time to be bothered."

When in reality, if it were you lying in the trenches -- or your son or daughter, you'd be pleading for Americans back home to stand up and object. This has gotten out of hand.


Anonymous said…
why wouldn't you vote for McCain?... he is a maverick x100000

i am glad that bumper sticker inspired you!

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