Dirty Hippie (12:59:21 PM): what about fate, do you believe in that?
Mr. President (1:01:36 PM): I do and I don't believe in fate. This is going to get trippy and mathematical on you but here goes. I do believe that everything that is happening in our universe is already done (think of it like a simulation; everything has already been simulated). But that doesn't stop the moment to moment of the simulation feel like choices to me.
Dirty Hippie (1:03:05 PM): so you're saying you do get options, but your options (and inevitably, your decision) have already been pre-determined?
Mr. President (1:03:18 PM): In other words if someone from another dimension was watching me right now. To them I'd seem like a comic strip the beginning and ending are all on the same sheet of paper. But to me I'm living the moment to moment and cannot perceive the fact that I am in the comic book and everything has already happened
Dirty Hippie (1:03:58 PM): so we're living in a 'choose your own adventure' novel?
Mr. President (1:04:33 PM): Ok it's difficult for me to explain
Dirty Hippie (1:04:52 PM): no, I think I get it.
Mr. President (1:05:02 PM): Actually that probably isn't a bad explanation
Dirty Hippie (1:05:05 PM): the ending is already determined.
Dirty Hippie (1:05:09 PM): but you don't feel it.
Dirty Hippie (1:05:15 PM): because you do have free choice.
Mr. President (1:06:10 PM): Well it's not that the ending is already determined. It's just that somehow the universe has already simulated every possible outcome and no matter what choice I make there is an outcome and that somewhere else that outcome is being lived out
Dirty Hippie (1:06:32 PM): so it is a 'choose your own adventure' novel!
Mr. President (1:06:37 PM): Just like in a 'choose your own adventure' novel. Only instead of there being 3 options there are infinite choices
Mr. President (1:07:42 PM): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkxieS-6WuA
Mr. President (1:07:52 PM): This guy does a great job of explaining it
Dirty Hippie (1:08:38 PM): the sound effects kill me.
Mr. President (1:08:42 PM): LOL
Dirty Hippie (1:11:57 PM): we live moment to moment in the third dimension!
Mr. President (1:12:04 PM): exactly!
Mr. President (1:12:23 PM): This guy does a really good job explaining my view of the universe
Mr. President (1:13:18 PM): i actually want to get this book and read it
Dirty Hippie (1:15:46 PM): this guy talks about time travel!
Dirty Hippie (1:15:53 PM): the video is great.
Mr. President (1:16:00 PM): isn't it
Mr. President (1:16:37 PM): but don't fall too in love (the guy isn't a real physicist and some of the stuff he says is a little wrong; but he gets a lot right so I still give him credit)
Dirty Hippie (1:17:02 PM): I won't fall in love with him at all. But his voice did sooth me.
Mr. President (1:17:18 PM): lol I'm not sure if that really is his voice
Dirty Hippie (1:17:23 PM): damn.
Dirty Hippie (1:23:38 PM): crazy shit.