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How much does a crap load of blood weigh?

Maintaining a specific weight is so much harder than I initially imagined.

I don't know that I'd say my body is used to losing weight now, because I have only lost 20 pounds. But apparently in losing that weight, I've boosted my metabolism or something. Here's the weirdness:

In an attempt to not lose any more weight between now and July 11 (because of Traci's wedding), I've changed some of my habits. I've cut back on my walks with the dogs. We still do outside yard adventures, but not so many walks. I haven't been to the gym in a week -- I'm pretty sure I'm going to change my routine for the time being to three times a week, every other week. And I'm a little less careful about what I'm eating. Lately I've been thinking this is too lax of a regimen.

This past weekend was bad though, I mean really bad. I spent all of Friday in the car, and dined on fast food for lunch and dinner (which makes me feel sick). Saturday was a bridal shower with the most delicious foods and cake, but before that I had Denny's for breakfast. And after, went to Red Lobster with my mom (although I got a small portion of shrimp because I was still pretty full from lunch, but knew I wouldn't make it through the night). And Sunday I had more fast food. Again, sickening. Especially considering I just watched Supersize Me recently.

So, I was kind of on the fence about getting back into my weigh-in routine this week. I just knew I'd wreaked havoc on my body in the past few days, you know? So Monday and Tuesday came and went without weigh-in. I wasn't too thrilled about weighing in on Wednesday, but knew if I got too far out of habit, I'd lose it completely, so I bit the bullet.

And strangely ... miraculously ... I hadn't gained an ounce. Literally. Not an ounce. I was the exact same weight I had been before I started this maintenance phase. Incredible.

Feeling pumped and still in control after all, I got on the scale again this morning to discovered I'd actually lost exactly one pound. Where did it go?! I'm not counting it as a pound lost because yesterday I donated a crap load of blood. Does a crap load of blood weigh a pound?


Samsmama said…
I have zero metabolism. In fact, I gained a pound reading that. But it rocks that you do! And kudo for delivering a crap load of blood. Maybe I should try that.
revolutionaire. said…
Thanks for the kudos. It was my first time donating blood ... and I admit, I had ulterior motives. (I needed to find out my blood type, more on that later.)

As it turns out, I'm the "universal donor," so it looks like I'll be donating more often. Next visit - August 5.

You are awesome, by the way, for religiously commenting on my blog. Makes me feel like someone cares. =P
Jessica Nelson said…
Huh. It would be funny if blood did way something.
But you probably did boost your metabolism, which is awesome! :-) Go you and congrats about being so vigilant with your health (except for the fast food, Snort!)
Jessica Nelson said…
Wow. I really do know how to spell "weigh". LOL!

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