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In my dreams she still doth haunt me, robed in garments soaked in brine...

"oh my darlin', oh my darlin', oh my darlin' clementine... you were lost and gone forever, oh my darlin', clementine.

when will alison post a new blog? i look forward to reading them before work in the morn'."

Here's a few things:

ART SHOW: If I were thinking, I would have taken a picture of the painting I bought on Friday. Susan, Cassie and I went to an art show for a friend of ours, named
Josh. His artwork, and all the art that was there, was incredible. We each bought something; Susan just happened to buy something from a different artist. The whole bit was a great cultural experience. There was a guy singing in Spanish and playing salsa music with an acoustic guitar, and there were lots of fascinating people there. It all kind of made me want to get my paint brushes out and get back into the art industry.

NOT QUITE 27 DRESSES: I've bought two dresses recently. I'm trying to ease femmy things into my wardrobe gradually, because ultra femmy things make me uncomfortable. I've just been molded by the jeans, t-shirts, and chucks I'm so used to donning every morning, that the thought of wearing a sun dress gives me the heebie jeebies. But I braved the heebies and I did wear one.

I wore one to the art show, and that seemed to go well. People weren't staring at me or anything, which was a relief, because my paranoid self knows that I'm not too ladylike with my sitting habits and all (Indian style, baby!). But I managed to keep everything where it should be and keep my knees together so as not to show anyone my undies! And in the end, I had actually grown quite comfortable in the dress.

INVERNESS: I went to Inverness on Saturday morning to spend the day with JM and his family. It was a long and seemingly endless drive, but I listened to a mix cd I have, called Good Days, and it definitely reminded me why I was driving. And I wore a dress this day as well, and got lots of great compliments on it and on my wearing it. All of which made me feel confident enough to wear it again some time.

While in Inverness, I did just about nothing to write home about -- which not only was the point of my trip, but would also be pointless because there isn't anyone home to write to. JM took me to El Ranchito (Laura!!) and, even after warning from the waiter, I burned my finger tips on the platter of delicious food I was served. Then we went to see Indiana Jones IV, but I'm not going to say anything about that. After the movie, we ran an errand and then came back to the house, where we spent the rest of the day hanging out.
And I eventually determined I would spend the night.

Sunday consisted of nothing to write about as well. I left for home around dinner time, picked up food for my pets, and continued driving home. Once I got home, I fed all the babies, got out of my town/driving clothes, let Charley play in my room, hung up my new painting, goofed around on the computer and tidied up in my room and then polished off the night with a viewing of the movie Family Stone, on FX. It was all right;
definitely awkward at most parts, but all right still.


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