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Weekend Recap.

An update (excluding my recent endeavor to the 'Shire):

My attitude toward my weight-loss (or lack there of), much UNlike my weight, fluctuates from day to day. Most days I'm perfectly fine with being a little on the chunky side. But then there are other days that I absolutely HATE that I'm not losing any pounds. But I can't really hate that hard, because I'm not trying that hard. JM brought cookies over and they barely made it through the night. I HATE cookies.

Speaking of JM, he came over on Saturday afternoon to spend time with me and my family. My parents hadn't seen him since last August-ish. Even though we're just friends, I still feel like that's a really ridiculous amount of time to not see my family. I had such a fun time when he came over. I love watching he and my dad talk. They are quick; they get along incredibly well. My dad enjoys his company and I can tell. Now, if only JM were a little more handy around the garage. haha. I liked sitting in the living room with the two of them, watching sports. They're two of my all time favorite guys. Susan was also there, she was hanging out with Mom. They made dinner for all of us -- steak, potatoes, and cheesy rice and broccoli.
"It's probably silly to point out, but I've never had a guy join my family for a family (home) dinner."
Every year for as far back as I can remember, there have been guys (and girls, thanks to Jeff) at our house for Thanksgiving, or Christmas, or Easter, or whatever holiday (or plain old, regular day), but none of them have ever been there on account of me. Saturday evening, that changed. JM sat across from me, and I kept looking across the table at him, and it all became clear. I didn't realize the value of having the person you love most (second only to your family) sit across from you while you and the people you love the most have dinner together. I just wish it had happened when we were actually devoted to each other.

Susan, JM, and I started watching Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End, only after I found my DVD player in a box full of DVDs (I packed all that stuff up when I lost interest in movies and television). Too bad I couldn't find my remote, and also too bad the DVD player was dirty and caused the disc to skip. So we swapped DVD players with the front room and watched about a third of the movie before that player overheated. Guess we weren't meant to watch the whole thing.

Sunday morning, I woke up, woke JM up and hung out some more. We worked on a puzzle together, which was my favorite part of his entire visit (aside from watching he and Dad interact, and also aside from sitting across from him at dinner). It was a 750-piece Las Vegas panoramic photograph puzzle. It might have some minute sentimental value. But the reason I enjoyed working on it with him is because we were actually working together on something.

After JM left, I continued to work on it. Then I took a nap and Dad worked on it. By the time I went to bed last night, there were only about 30 - 50 more pieces to fit. I think that's record for me. I'm a puzzle junkie. It falls into the category of art, I believe. I have a small collection of these panoramic photograph puzzles (okay, only two -- Boston and Las Vegas), I'm thinking about framing them; they're amazing photographs. I'm currently looking for one of Baltimore (the first love of my life) and Los Angeles. If you happen to find them, please let me know where.

At about 8 p.m. I woke up to watch Big Brother with Mom. James is my favorite player; since the beginning I've been hoping he would win. I fell for him when I watched his interview -- originally from Sarasota, a 21-year-old, he's been working on proving a valuable point by biking around the country on $100. Now on BB, he's getting more exposure and this will hopefully help his endeavor to prove humanity and compassion are not extinct. Should he ever find himself needing a place in the ONF, I'll pull out the trundle and we'll talk of all the things he's seen while we dye each other's hair pink. If you don't follow the show, this is going to make absolutely no sense to you. But for the past three weeks, the other house guests have been out to get James. He's an active player and a very talented one. And the house has turned against him because he's the strongest competitor. But for all those three weeks, he's been able to win valuable competitions to save himself and ensure yet another week. In last night's episode, he broke down crying because of his social isolation from the rest of the house. That breakdown touched the heart of the HOH, who in turn, opted not to put James on the block this week. IT IS SO ON. Crazy James has yet to make a move that hasn't been countered, but he's also been able to counter every counter move. I imagine he's an incredible chess player.


Laura said…
you are beautiful!
revolutionaire. said…
Thank you, Laura. You just brightened my day. :)

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