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Productive Plans for Summer

There are things happening...

Being that it's summer time, and the living is eaaaaasy, I feel like going on adventures. Anyone interested in joining me?

It all starts thanks to Susan. April 19th, she and I are going to the closed casting call for Big Brother 10. I started filling out my 12 page (that's right, TWELVE pages) application today on my lunch break. How ridiculous .... ly awesome! We're hooked on that show; we have been for nine straight seasons so far. And how cool would it be if we got picked as a secret sister team? I mean ... honestly, we don't look much alike at all. It could work! So ... we're trying out. If nothing else, it'll be cool to say we've done it.

On April 26th, I'm driving to South Florida for the weekend with my co-workers. It's our Annual Picnic. And like usual, I am looking forward to it, but not as much this year as years past. We'll see, I'm just not expecting it to be as awesome this year. What I like most about the picnic is putting faces with the names I talk to on a fairly regular basis.

May seems like it might end up being a calm month. So that means, I'm taking a weekend and driving to Pensacola to spend time with the delightful Naval Patrick and Trevor. I also foresee May being one of the months I do adventures at Busch Gardens (and AQUATICA!!). Perhaps I'll get a few friends together and take a Saturday trip to the beach. And I'd also like to go biking some place (maybe even take my dogs). And probably, those things will take up all my May weekends.

I just got back from my vacation to New Hampshire, and thanks to Angela, we're already dreaming of another FL + NH encounter. On June 19th, we're trying to convince Becky to keep with tradition of flying to the city in which LTJ is playing on your birthday. Two years ago, I did just that for mine -- LTJ was playing in Boston, so I flew to NH and we went to see them for my birthday. This year, they're playing on Becky's birthday in her favorite state. What better way to celebrate than coming here and partying like a rock star, right? Either way, Becky or no Becky, I'm going to that show, but it'd be hella more fun if she came along with.

And some time this summer, Maroon 5 is playing with Counting Crows and possibly Augustana and there's no way I'm missing it.

I received a Busch Gardens season pass for my birthday and have only used it once. To me, that's blasphemous. I am aiming to use it at least twice this month. I don't know why I haven't used it more; I love that place. And with it, I received (from an incredibly generous friend) 4 day passes for friends. No, don't ask -- they've already been spoken for (remember, I've had them since my birthday). So I need to get a group of friends together and take a little day trip to BG. Don't you think? Obviously weekends work best for me.

Speaking of BG, I want to take a Wednesday off and go down there with Josh and JM. It's been eons since the three of us got to spend any quality time together. We went from spending late nights on the paper, lunches with just us three, and afternoons in Ocala, to all living in different cities and hardly ever talking. It kind of hurts. They're both so damn important to me.

In July, I plan on making Susan come to Shelter Island with me and celebrate the Fourth of July with pals. It's such a fun time and I highly recommend to anyone who has affiliations with Shelter Island. If you don't have affiliations with the island. I'm sorry. But I can't think of a cooler way to spend such a neat holiday.

Other points of note:

I'd like to go to many more concerts this summer, and I'm hoping I will. But there's not much that appeals to me scheduled yet.

Also, Jai-alai started again, but only runs through April 30th, which isn't very much longer. I'd like to go to a few Jai-alai games before it's over as well.

I'd like to organize an mini-Earth Hour event with my friends. Wouldn't it be cool if I could do that? I think so. Perhaps I could get my friends to accomplish something on a smaller scale. I'm working on the brain-brewing part of it all right now. When I sort out more details, I'll post in on my Destination Home blog, featured here and probably here.


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