2. WheresGeorge.com is a neat-o website that enables people to track where their monetary bills have been. I got a brand spanking new ten dollar bill in change yesterday and it had the where's George stamp on it. So I looked it up and found out that ... on the 15th of last month, this bill was cozied up in a town called Montevideo, Minnesota! So, in one month, the bill has managed to travel 1, 314 miles. How fascinating!
3. I took a nap when I got home yesterday, from about 6 to 8 P.M. On Sunday night I stayed up way later than I should have (nearly 1 A.M.) and thus was ridiculously tired during the entire day yesterday. So I woke up, ate dinner, did a few sudokus, checked my email and went back to bed. I feel much more refreshed today.
4. The strangely entertaining sport of Jai-alai is in season right now and I'm eagerly waiting for a friends evening out and some light gambling!