Sitting across from him at dinner, I felt chemistry. I mean, real fireworks and love-connections. It was neat to feel that way again. I know it seems funny, but every time I looked up and saw him gazing at me, his eyes would dart away as if he'd been caught. Busted. Had.
And I ... well, I just couldn't quit grinning about the whole thing.
But when I say the sparks flew, I mean boy did they fly! We were laughing and enjoying each other, we held hands across the table. It was all so very romantic. He kept telling me how beautiful I looked. I was comfortable, in a great mood, and very pleased with the romantic setting of his restaurant of choice. It was definitely a nice change from what I've been recently experiencing. I don't like bickering and it easily annoys me, and lately it seems as if that's all I could do. Saturday night's date was a complete 180 from what I've been going through.
He treated me to a palatable dinner at my most nostalgic restaurant, but nostalgic it may be, Carrabba's was a symbol of something new this time around. He started the night off right by meeting me at my car, walking me to the door, and opening it for me. Then he let me sit down first and let me order first. He was a complete gentleman. So to keep with the firsts and the new things, I ordered something I'd never tried before, and I was stupefied by how delicious it was (the name sounds so ordinary). He bought my dinner and offered to order dessert, but I opted not to -- I was beyond satisfied by dinner plate.
After dinner, he asked if a movie would be a good idea. Neither of us were dressed appropriately for a stroll, which would have been my leisure activity of choice, so we went to the cinema. We agreed on Smart People, but I think I enjoyed it more than he did. His favorite part, he said, was my resting my head on his shoulder.
After the movie, he took me to Sonic and got me a super-classy dessert -- M&M SONIC BLAST, ladies! And then, to top the evening off rightly, he took me to the store to run the errands he knew I'd needed to run before I headed home so that I wouldn't be out that late alone. What a gentleman!
He took me back to my car after a nearly seven hour date, and when we parted ways, still smiling (and, by this time, hurting from it), I couldn't help but think, maybe I've uncovered something remarkable about this man. Maybe he is different.