1. Just bought my ticket (and Susan's) to the Less Than Jake, Suburban Legends, Mustard Plug show and am totally stoked! It's not until June 19th, which seems like eons from today -- in reality it's about two months ... and, though it's not eons, that's a long freaking time to wait for a show! 2. WheresGeorge.com is a neat-o website that enables people to track where their monetary bills have been. I got a brand spanking new ten dollar bill in change yesterday and it had the where's George stamp on it. So I looked it up and found out that ... on the 15th of last month, this bill was cozied up in a town called Montevideo, Minnesota! So, in one month, the bill has managed to travel 1, 314 miles. How fascinating! 3. I took a nap when I got home yesterday, from about 6 to 8 P.M. On Sunday night I stayed up way later than I should have (nearly 1 A.M.) and thus was ridiculously tired during the entire day yesterday. So I woke up, ate dinner, did a few sudokus, checked...