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Things That Make Me Happy.

My girliefriend Laura got this idea from her girliefriend Laura. I'm not a Laura, but I feel I'm still allowed to follow suit.

Here's a list of things that make me happy.

1. six dollar bottles of Cabernet.
2. friends who offer junk punches, but only when they're deserved.
3. blazing hot showers.
4. Lucy and Blondie.
5. Olive and Charley.
6. and Morty.
7. living in my own house.
8. laying in my comfortable ass bed. seriously, if you were in it, you wouldn't want to get up either.
9. that brief bit of time when you're driving to the beach and you cross the Inter-coastal. That moment when you know the ocean's only a stone's throw away and you'll be there in a blink. That minute, when coupled with the perfect song (a personal preference, of course) is serene.
10. Punk Rock Beach Party Volume 1.
11. The officially discontinued Crisper's Cobb Salad. (and now I recognize a brief moment of silence for the Cobb......)
12. JCFS
13. My friends on SparkPeople who support me unabashedly.
14. riding my bike and jogging.
15. planning vacations to new places.
16. spoiling myself with some light shopping.
17. naps in the car on sunny days.
18. "one more minute . . ."
19. making things with my hands -- pottery. jewelry. cards.
20. hugs made with love.


Samsmama said…
I didn't care for Florida when I lived there (no offense), but I always loved driving over the Inter-coastal. I lived beach side but worked on "main land". Driving home at night was such a spectacular view.
revolutionaire. said…
Angela, you make me happy too.

You fall into # 7, # 11, # 15, # 16, # 19, and definitely # 20.

I think I'd be lost without you.

I love you!

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