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Sit ups and stuffffs

I got behind in my sit up challenge, but im going to be honest about it. I missed three days. the good news is I'm back in the swing, the bad news is I now have committed myself to making up those 300 sit ups. Looks like I'll be doing multiple sets on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. That is my plan for success. Also, there is a real chance I may be 3the only one still trying. To that, I say: wrong is still wrong even if everyone is doing it. And right is still right even when no one else is doing it.
I said I'd do the challenge. I fell off the wagon, but I assure you, I'll be getting back on.
The other thing... I think I want to own a kayak. That's all I have to say about that.
Then there's my trip to Atlanta in July. I'm super, super excited about that. Not even entirely sure why, but I'm stoked. I'll be going to a baseball game, the aquarium, and who knows what else! Anyone have any other ideas for things to do in HotLanta?
Cary, I'm talking to you, love.
Getting back into writing has been tough. It's sort of like I'm having to retrain my mind to think in a certain way so that my words come out better on the paper. For instance, this blog is ALL OVER THE PLACE. And why? Because when I put fingers to keys, I'm still not sure what to say. eh, I'll find it. I'll get back to the place where I used to sculpt out entire blogs while driving home and just sit down and peck it out once I'm comfortable. Maybe if I had a topic. Tell you what, I'll write a list of topics and, as time goes on, when I am uninspired or underwhelmes about the day, I'll pick one at random to write on.
For now though, since this is the last time I'm going to allow myself to fall asleep at the blog, I need to wrap yet another useless mind-droning blog up. High fives everyone!


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