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Showing posts from September, 2013

What's with all the judgment?

I've been in my line of work for a few years now and it's no secret my favorite part is getting to know my clients. More than the friendly competition, the paid holidays, the cliche 'bankers hours,' more than all that, I love getting to know my clients personally.  I have cultivated close, trusting relationships with more clients than I can count and I pride myself on that. I think it's my leg-up, if you will, over my competition and teammates. I know my clients the moment they walk in the door. I know it, they know it. I'd go so far as to say they count on it. People come in the building, see two available teammates and yet, they'll wait for me. I am that good. All this bragging to say one of the parts I dislike the most is something about those very relationships I'm proud of cultivating. There is something about sitting with me in the lobby of the bank that makes people feel as though they are either 1. laying on a couch in their therapist'...

I will have no blood on my hands.

Spent the majority of my weekend in the company of strangers - fantastic strangers, all like-minded people. Musically, anyway. I bought tickets to three Less Than Jake shows in as many days. It was incredible. Although, the last show (Sunday night), I sat in the back for most of, due to my apparent insta-flu. This isn't really what I intend to write about though, it's just ... they always say start on a positive note. So there, I had a fantastic weekend in the musical sense.  Saturday, Jon-Michael and I took Kenneth and Susan. It was probably around 2:30 in the morning, and we were headed down 41S toward home. Well, let me back up. J.M. and Kenneth were ready to go before Susan and I were - we were hungry. So we ordered burgers from the food wagon outside the bar. They were amazing. I made a comment while we were on 121 out of Gainesville about how I couldn't believe we still hadn't made it to the railroad tracks yet. Ten seconds later, there we were, train passing,...