Left work on Friday. Set sail for vacation. It started with a pool party for the beautiful twins - celebrating their third birthday. Then we spent all day Sunday with Dad for fathers day - we cooked out by the water for a change. And i gave him a 3D photograph of he and I in Fell's Point, MD. Today we drove to Daytona Beach for an impromptu getaway.
I don't know why I would think I would, but I don't miss work ... at all. I'm happy not being there; seems like an obvious thing to say, but truly I am. I love the people I get to help and, of all the companies I could work for, I'm happy I'm with SunTrust, but part of me is so excited for the day I stop being a worker bee in Corporate America.
On a side note, it's pouring rain with thunder and lightning at our condo and two teenagers just jumpes into the pools.
JM just said "natural selection."