Woke up this morning without an alarm. That felt awesome. I slipped out of bed after snuggling with Olive for a few minutes, then went out to catch up on some gardening. I was inspired yesterday by the parents of the bride. One of JM's friend's got married to a beautiful young woman name Mystry - her parents, though, were my biggest interest. They have this property in Lake City that is absolutely breathtaking. The grounds are lush and full of gardens, they have chickens for fresh eggs and a green house for fresh produce (neither of which I can accomplish at my home but...). The gardens were incredibly inspiring. Granted, they've been working on their property for 37 years. Pamela, Mystry's mom, said "we started with the chicken coop. Then we saw where our natural paths were and put in gardens according to where we typically walk."It's pure awesome, truly. I have photos, but haven't uploaded any yet. The best parts were that I felt inspired to work on ...