Yesterday I said to all of my ONE reader (hey Samsmama!) that I would most definitely be putting pictures of Nhyya on here today. So when 4 PM rolled around and I realized I hadn't accomplished that. I swiftly quit doing what I get paid to do and started editing and uploading the pictures from my afternoon with Nhyya last week (my boss loves me, HA!). Here's what I have for you:

In two hours I'm going to buy her her first baby doll and I'm really stoked. I've never felt like this before.
I asked her to smile, but she was so focused on the dogs, this is all I could get.
I should have known Blondie would give her some loving.
Don't worry, I sani-wiped her face down.
Don't worry, I sani-wiped her face down.
Lucy, the far less forward of the dynamic duo I constantly refer to as L&B, was a little off-put by the unrestrained presence of Nhyya, but when I hugged her close to me, Lucy came right over and sat down. This is the best picture I could get of the two of them. And yes, I realize Lucy has no head in this shot. It's hella hard to photograph a toddler AND a very UNphotogenic dog at the same time.
Whatchoo talkin' bout Willis?
This is so totally a shot of Angela and Nhyya. They were making funny faces at each other in Angela's parents' house. This was after Nhyya danced with Angela's two younger sisters to songs on Hollie's iPod.
In two hours I'm going to buy her her first baby doll and I'm really stoked. I've never felt like this before.
Great pictures, such a cute baby! Poor headless dog...
I love this little girl like she's my own. And until I have my own, I'll probably love her more than any other kid. (and when that happens, I may still love her more. haha)