So whatever. I'm starting something new. I need to feel inspired.
I've been spending a lot of time looking at my own myspace profile lately. I'm trying to decide if I should keep it. This morning I realized this staggering factoid:
I have 99 pages of photographs within my Myspace account. Ninety-nine pages of 20 photos each. Holy Hell. For that fact alone, I can't just get rid of my Myspace account.
At the same time, I'm such a nomadic networker; I have accounts with all of these sites:
xanga (yeah yeah, I know.)
blogger (obviously)
The first two are the only two that I don't currently log into regularly.
So I decided I'll do a neat little memory exercise and share stories with you lovely readers at the same time.
Here goes RPT #1:
This is Susan, my older sister. We spent last Christmas at the beach and it was beautiful. I think it was our best Christmas experience yet and I hope we make it a tradition. But anyway... the day we left, we decided to feed the sea gulls the last of our cinnamon rolls.
Those bastards are quick. We walked out on the balcony and there were no birds in sight. Our brother threw one small piece of food out over the parking lot and before it hit the pavement, a gull plucked it right out of the air. And before he could make it to our balcony, there was an entire flock dipping and diving for our treats.
On top of being quick, I now see (not that I didn't think much of it before) why it's so important NOT to litter. If sea gulls are any example of the way wildlife behaves in general, I can now see how easily they could ingest something as toxic as plastic or chemicals. The gull that dropped out of the sky and snatched the cinnamon roll had no idea what he was eating before he swallowed it. There's just no way.
So anyway, we fed the birds off our balcony -- over a parking lot, mind you.
We are apparently assholes though. We were about ten floors up, and definitely NOT above the pool area. I could have dropped my bag into the bed of JM's truck from the balcony and he was in the middle of the parking lot. But while we were out there, a foreign woman sunbathing at the pool said,
"hello up there, quit feeding those birds. they'll poop on me."
And even though we heard her loud and clear, we acted as if we couldn't so that she's repeat the "they'll poop on me" part again. Then we laughed our asses off and continued feeding the birds until our snacks were gone.
I've been spending a lot of time looking at my own myspace profile lately. I'm trying to decide if I should keep it. This morning I realized this staggering factoid:
I have 99 pages of photographs within my Myspace account. Ninety-nine pages of 20 photos each. Holy Hell. For that fact alone, I can't just get rid of my Myspace account.
At the same time, I'm such a nomadic networker; I have accounts with all of these sites:
xanga (yeah yeah, I know.)
blogger (obviously)
The first two are the only two that I don't currently log into regularly.
So I decided I'll do a neat little memory exercise and share stories with you lovely readers at the same time.
Here goes RPT #1:
Those bastards are quick. We walked out on the balcony and there were no birds in sight. Our brother threw one small piece of food out over the parking lot and before it hit the pavement, a gull plucked it right out of the air. And before he could make it to our balcony, there was an entire flock dipping and diving for our treats.
On top of being quick, I now see (not that I didn't think much of it before) why it's so important NOT to litter. If sea gulls are any example of the way wildlife behaves in general, I can now see how easily they could ingest something as toxic as plastic or chemicals. The gull that dropped out of the sky and snatched the cinnamon roll had no idea what he was eating before he swallowed it. There's just no way.
So anyway, we fed the birds off our balcony -- over a parking lot, mind you.
We are apparently assholes though. We were about ten floors up, and definitely NOT above the pool area. I could have dropped my bag into the bed of JM's truck from the balcony and he was in the middle of the parking lot. But while we were out there, a foreign woman sunbathing at the pool said,
"hello up there, quit feeding those birds. they'll poop on me."
And even though we heard her loud and clear, we acted as if we couldn't so that she's repeat the "they'll poop on me" part again. Then we laughed our asses off and continued feeding the birds until our snacks were gone.
99 pages of pictures? No, you can't delete myspace. No way.
As of now, I'm not deleting it... but really, I never use it anymore, so I'm not sure what to do with it. ha.