We sat on the berm off left field. And were right next to the bull pen where all those studly major leaguers were throwing practice pitches. (and signing autographs for adorable little leaguers with sharpies.)
It was a first for me. And a thoroughly enjoyable one.
I met J.M. at his house around 9:30 and we left for the park shortly after a quick, home-made breakfast.
In the truck I applied about a half a bottle of sunblock to my arms and legs. And when we arrived at the park, I applied more to my face and hands. I don't like the oily feeling of it on my face, so I hold off putting it on as long as possible. And thankfully, despite sitting in the direct afternoon sun for several hours, not an inch of my skin was crisp, tender, or red.
We took a stroll around the park before we left and I got some pretty neat pictures (I think).
After the ball game, we were planning on heading to the beach. I am in desperate need of a relaxing beach retreat. So we set off in the direction of the coast and just a few minutes into our journey, we were faced with three lanes of bumper to bumper, Hellish, beach-bound traffic. I said screw it. We made a last minute turn to the right and followed the coast line awhile. We pulled off the road and walked along the sea wall. As nice as the ocean breeze was, it wasn't what I needed. I did, however, enjoy what I could get.
So we left the sea-wall and headed back -- just in time to catch the post-game traffic from Hell. So we stopped at TGI Friday's and ate a really delicious and reasonably priced lunch. And our waiter was fantastic. And we missed all the traffic. What a win-win-win!
By the time we were on the road again, I was so fatigued from the sun I fell asleep within minutes of being back in the car. I napped for a solid half hour while J.M. drove. He's such a loving boyfriend. Car rides make me sleepy and he doesn't mind if I pass out and let him do all the responsible stuff like drive and navigate and DJ.
After arriving at his house, showering, and relaxing for literally . . . a minute, I headed home. Since I've moved, I've been testing L&B to see how long they could go without being taken for a walk. Not because I want to neglect them, but because I want to know what their threshold is in the event I can't get home at my usual time. Saturday night, they were teetering on their threshold when I got home.
All in all, the day was brilliant. We got to spend time together, share something new, and enjoy one of the most beautiful days Florida's seen this year! We did, however, realize that more than anything Jon-Michael and I need the kind of vacation where we "lay in each other's ever-loving arms and watch sunsets while drinking mojitos."
Call us selfish, but we really don't get enough quality time together alone. It's a shitty situation sometimes, but we make the best of it.