I love this man. Most days his opinion is dead on with mine. Most days. This time is no different. And because of that, I don't really have much to add. I wonder if everyone dares follow the links in blogs these days. I do. But I'm a baller. Some people won't click a link no matter the reason. In case you're considering NOT opening the link, here's a blurb from the Cafferty's column: " What do you suppose the total price tag is for this failed war on drugs? One senior Harvard economist estimates we spend $44 billion a year fighting the war on drugs. He says if they were legal, governments would realize about $33 billion a year in tax revenue. Net swing of $77 billion. Could we use that money today for something else? You bet your ass we could. Plus the cartels would be out of business. Instantly. Goodbye crime and violence. " Here's the link , I hope you click it.