I wrote this for Myspace (on Monday, Jan 26), but it works here too.
After last Tuesday -- the inauguration day of the best chance of a better country we've been given in 8 years -- I witnessed more racism than I care to ever be affiliated with. And it's even more sad considering the only people with access to this profile are the people I consider my friends.
But I am no friend to a racist.
It's one thing to think Barack Obama will not do well for America because "he lacks experience." You're entitled to that opinion, and as much as I strongly disagree with it, I will still respect it.
But it's a completely different thing to say "he's going to destroy America" because his skin is darker than yours might be.
It blew my mind to read the names some of my "friends" were calling our newly elected President -- names I won't even repeat because such disgustingly malicious and unprecedented judgments don't come from my mouth and because the simple minded idiots who said them to begin with would most likely think, at the sight of those words, that I was agreeing with them.
It's after almost a week's consideration and deliberation with logical, respectable, anti-racism friends of mine that I have decided to delete any affiliation with any of the "friends" who publicly expressed their racism after the election of Barack Obama.
Slice it any way you like, but making derogatory statements about his skin pigment is racism. And implying because of his skin, he will make a terrible president is flat out, blatant racism.
And either way you slice it, I for one won't be tolerating it.
What makes you think because you're lighter in skin tone, you're more worthy of accomplishments or intelligence, or leadership? Slavery and white power both ended generations ago. Move on.
Get with the rest of us.
ONE world -- OUR world.
ONE race -- the HUMAN race.
We are all one entity.
With that being said, marking a full week President Obama has been rectifying some serious damages, tomorrow I'll be washing my hands of the racists I know -- and rectifying the damages made by having them in my life.
peace and good luck to you,
But I am no frien
It's one thing
But it's a compl
It blew my mind to read the names
It's after
And eithe
What makes
Get with the rest of us.
ONE world
ONE race -- the HUMAN
We are all one entit
With that being