I've realized: cheese cake can be had for breakfast from time to time. even when your c0-workers have been in foul moods, let it be . They might be fouly mooded because they were up all night trying to make you a red velvet cake from scratch. there are few unexpected experiences in life. When a good one comes around (like a perfect stranger wishing you happy birthday before anyone you actually know), embrace it. ---- "Hey Alison! Sounds like today is a special day for you! We don't know each other ( yet ) but I sincerely hope that all your projects come true, that you’re very happy, that you may celebrate many, many birthdays! Happy birthday from Morocco " I received this on my wall on my penpaling site (interpals.net), from a young guy named Naoufal. being involved with programs like Postcrossing and Interpals is more like being a member of a really large, but close family. You make relationships you'd never know if not for the site, you create bonds, write le...