So I haven't gotten a chance to watch the debate yet. But I feel the need to post this after two things today (a conversation with co-workers, and a bulletin post from a friend). Despite what it looks like that I missed the debate last night, I've been all kinds of alert when it comes to this election. I'm not about to burn in hell with the rest of America if McDinosaur and Madame Cavewoman get into office. If that happens, I'm packing my dogs up and leaving.

Because if that happens, America is certainly going to Hell in a hand basket and I won't be on board that shit -- I mean, ship!
And another little bit for fun:
Because if that happens, America is certainly going to Hell in a hand basket and I won't be on board that shit -- I mean, ship!
And another little bit for fun:
quit being a dirty hippy... this country will do just fine with McCain/Palin '08 ;)
However, to show I am not *completely* biased against your boy O-B, here are some cool pictures I found of him: