Even though I have a list already chicken-scratched down on a little piece of paper, I find I do better if I actually list the topics I want to discuss on the blog here.
So, let's go. *(the ones NOT in bold have been written already)
PostSecret (10/30/08 FL.GC.Uni), Gary, 80s Party, Labor Day, Susan, Habitat for Humanity, my car, exhaustion, JM, October, concerts, the Fest, premiering The Hermit, Ron Jon, Jonesy, New Hampshire, Wanderlust, compassion at work, Free Rice, Wedding Photography, Tucker Max
Post Secret.
I have myriad of websites I read religiously. List of the Day, Shoebox, xkcd (really just for the comics), and Post Secret. I'm pretty sure Patrick turned me onto Post Secret, and for that (and many other things), I owe him big.
In case anyone is already thinking of what to get me for my birthday, which is January 28th, I would LOVE a Post Secret book. He has more than one, I would love them all, but we'll start with just one. Maybe the first one in the series? If I can't wait that long, I'll probably splurge and buy it for myself.
For those who don't know of the site, it's a public blog/website that publishes anonymous secrets the readers send it. It's amazing really. The man who started it invites, welcomes, and embraces secrets from all over the world. He actually publicly posted his home address (Frank Warren @ 13345 Cooper Ridge Road Germantown, MD 20874) as to where you mail the secrets. It's amazing. He says he reached out to humanity and humanity hasn't overstepped it's bounds yet.
Post cards are 100 % anonymous unless made otherwise by their senders. This is how Post Secret maintains is anonymity, reputation, and ability to heal through honesty. Baring one's soul and darkest truths is not something that has to be done with a face.
I read the site every Monday at work and I visit his blog on myspace/facebook occasionally. He inspires me. But more than him, the sharers of the secrets inspire me. I'm moved by some of the dark truths that get told. And I hurt for the people writing them and for the people hurt by them. Sometimes the secrets make me angry, sometimes I want to cry. Other times I laugh. Other times it seems I could have written them myself and even other times I read them and wish someone had written them about me.
Probably the most gut-wrenching secret I've yet to read is this one:

I hurt for every single person who lost someone on 9/11. I fear the people who lost their loved ones that day and still hold out hope they're out there will read this secret and be crushed that a person they loved vanished by choice that day. I know, and everyone knows, there is no way in the world to find someone who truly wants to vanish. I'm angry that someone would use such a globally crippling attack to detach them self from whatever bad decisions or rough life they've experienced.
There aren't many people in the world who wouldn't take a second chance if given one, and it's incredibly heartless to vanish into the smoke and ash and truly lost lives of that day knowing there are people in the world who love you.
I can fathom how this person could live every day knowing people searched, people lost their lives searching, people scoured the remains of 200 stories worth of building material and dead bodies for weeks and months to find any trace of a life. I can't understand how this person lives knowing there are families wishing and praying every single day that their loved one would surface like this person has the opportunity to. I'm angry.
Sadly, all I can hope is that the vanished person had such an unspeakably disturbing and tragic life that not a soul even realizes they've vanished. But then, I know this is not possible. No matter how many people didn't seem to care about the secret-sharer, there are still thousands of people praying their loved ones were alive. This person is, and they refuse to admit it. That angers me. To no end, that utterly angers every inch of my body.
I'm sorry if this section offends anyone ... I just hate to think the person who sent in this secret has knowingly and intentionally vanished from their family for selfish reasons.
One day I'll submit a secret. I want to feel relieved. I want to share with the readers of Post Secret. I'm assuming one day I'll have something worth sharing, so far, nothing really.
But I do want the books. So ... file that away under 'A' for 'Alison's present"
On October 30, 2008 Frank Warren will be at Fla. Gulf Coast University doing a lecture and sharing secrets with the audience. I want to be there incredibly badly, yet I don't know if it's even possible. It's a Thursday. Not only is it a Thursday, but it's Jeff's birthday. And as if that isn't enough, it's also the day before the Fest starts.
So, let's go. *(the ones NOT in bold have been written already)
PostSecret (10/30/08 FL.GC.Uni), Gary, 80s Party, Labor Day, Susan, Habitat for Humanity, my car, exhaustion, JM, October, concerts, the Fest, premiering The Hermit, Ron Jon, Jonesy, New Hampshire, Wanderlust, compassion at work, Free Rice, Wedding Photography, Tucker Max
Post Secret.
I have myriad of websites I read religiously. List of the Day, Shoebox, xkcd (really just for the comics), and Post Secret. I'm pretty sure Patrick turned me onto Post Secret, and for that (and many other things), I owe him big.
In case anyone is already thinking of what to get me for my birthday, which is January 28th, I would LOVE a Post Secret book. He has more than one, I would love them all, but we'll start with just one. Maybe the first one in the series? If I can't wait that long, I'll probably splurge and buy it for myself.
For those who don't know of the site, it's a public blog/website that publishes anonymous secrets the readers send it. It's amazing really. The man who started it invites, welcomes, and embraces secrets from all over the world. He actually publicly posted his home address (Frank Warren @ 13345 Cooper Ridge Road Germantown, MD 20874) as to where you mail the secrets. It's amazing. He says he reached out to humanity and humanity hasn't overstepped it's bounds yet.
Post cards are 100 % anonymous unless made otherwise by their senders. This is how Post Secret maintains is anonymity, reputation, and ability to heal through honesty. Baring one's soul and darkest truths is not something that has to be done with a face.
I read the site every Monday at work and I visit his blog on myspace/facebook occasionally. He inspires me. But more than him, the sharers of the secrets inspire me. I'm moved by some of the dark truths that get told. And I hurt for the people writing them and for the people hurt by them. Sometimes the secrets make me angry, sometimes I want to cry. Other times I laugh. Other times it seems I could have written them myself and even other times I read them and wish someone had written them about me.
Probably the most gut-wrenching secret I've yet to read is this one:
I hurt for every single person who lost someone on 9/11. I fear the people who lost their loved ones that day and still hold out hope they're out there will read this secret and be crushed that a person they loved vanished by choice that day. I know, and everyone knows, there is no way in the world to find someone who truly wants to vanish. I'm angry that someone would use such a globally crippling attack to detach them self from whatever bad decisions or rough life they've experienced.
There aren't many people in the world who wouldn't take a second chance if given one, and it's incredibly heartless to vanish into the smoke and ash and truly lost lives of that day knowing there are people in the world who love you.
I can fathom how this person could live every day knowing people searched, people lost their lives searching, people scoured the remains of 200 stories worth of building material and dead bodies for weeks and months to find any trace of a life. I can't understand how this person lives knowing there are families wishing and praying every single day that their loved one would surface like this person has the opportunity to. I'm angry.
Sadly, all I can hope is that the vanished person had such an unspeakably disturbing and tragic life that not a soul even realizes they've vanished. But then, I know this is not possible. No matter how many people didn't seem to care about the secret-sharer, there are still thousands of people praying their loved ones were alive. This person is, and they refuse to admit it. That angers me. To no end, that utterly angers every inch of my body.
I'm sorry if this section offends anyone ... I just hate to think the person who sent in this secret has knowingly and intentionally vanished from their family for selfish reasons.
One day I'll submit a secret. I want to feel relieved. I want to share with the readers of Post Secret. I'm assuming one day I'll have something worth sharing, so far, nothing really.
But I do want the books. So ... file that away under 'A' for 'Alison's present"
On October 30, 2008 Frank Warren will be at Fla. Gulf Coast University doing a lecture and sharing secrets with the audience. I want to be there incredibly badly, yet I don't know if it's even possible. It's a Thursday. Not only is it a Thursday, but it's Jeff's birthday. And as if that isn't enough, it's also the day before the Fest starts.