I've been looking forward to today since yesterday afternoon. In fact, I've been looking forward to the upcoming weeks for the past few days.
If I were going to it, today would be my second step aerobics class in a row. But I'm most likely not going -- there are people I'd much rather see. I know I should try to find a way to do both, but I don't think it's possible at this point.
On a fitness related note, however, I need a good work out soundtrack. Does anyone have any suggestions for 'get your ass moving' songs? Please let me know, if you do!
On a social related note, these upcoming weeks are going to be awesome. In two days (June 19th) I'll be piling into a car with three or four of my friends and we'll be heading to Orlando for a day of pure bliss. I can't wait to spend the day on Buena Vista Boulevard, drooling not only over cds I can't afford to buy at Virgin, but over so much more than that.
And two days after that (June 21st), for the weekend, I have a variety of things I'm considering doing.
I could finally take my trip to Pensacola for a visit with Patrick and one with Trevor. I miss them and I'm pretty sure they think I don't love them. And I certainly, most definitely do love them. Or I could finally participate in Habitat for Humanity. I signed up awhile back, but haven't gotten the courage to go to work yet. I'm a slacker, I know. Or, even still, I could take another trip to Busch Gardens. I want to go again so soon because right now they have a baby gorilla. And baby gorillas at Busch Gardens are rare. And the momma and the papa are there. And all three of them are so amazingly expressive.
Not long after that, Angela's cousin Crystal is coming to Florida for a vacation. We're planning on taking a trip to the beach. Maybe we could go to Busch Gardens then too! Just a thought.
Anyhow, this month is truly turning out spectacular. I'm loving the way it's all coming together. :)
If I were going to it, today would be my second step aerobics class in a row. But I'm most likely not going -- there are people I'd much rather see. I know I should try to find a way to do both, but I don't think it's possible at this point.
On a fitness related note, however, I need a good work out soundtrack. Does anyone have any suggestions for 'get your ass moving' songs? Please let me know, if you do!
On a social related note, these upcoming weeks are going to be awesome. In two days (June 19th) I'll be piling into a car with three or four of my friends and we'll be heading to Orlando for a day of pure bliss. I can't wait to spend the day on Buena Vista Boulevard, drooling not only over cds I can't afford to buy at Virgin, but over so much more than that.
And two days after that (June 21st), for the weekend, I have a variety of things I'm considering doing.
I could finally take my trip to Pensacola for a visit with Patrick and one with Trevor. I miss them and I'm pretty sure they think I don't love them. And I certainly, most definitely do love them. Or I could finally participate in Habitat for Humanity. I signed up awhile back, but haven't gotten the courage to go to work yet. I'm a slacker, I know. Or, even still, I could take another trip to Busch Gardens. I want to go again so soon because right now they have a baby gorilla. And baby gorillas at Busch Gardens are rare. And the momma and the papa are there. And all three of them are so amazingly expressive.
Not long after that, Angela's cousin Crystal is coming to Florida for a vacation. We're planning on taking a trip to the beach. Maybe we could go to Busch Gardens then too! Just a thought.
Anyhow, this month is truly turning out spectacular. I'm loving the way it's all coming together. :)