You know, everyone has their quirks -- some people are notoriously anal about how their closets are organized, some are particular about how they sort their CD collection. Me? I have a quirk -- sure. Should I jump right in and let you know? I mean, where's the fun in that? A little suspense never killed anyone. My thing is, I list everything. Everything. All the time. It may be a compulsion. But I accept it. As 2012 comes rolling to an end, I find myself thinking about what I want out of 2013. 1. a new car 2. an engagement ring from J.M. 3. significant raise 4. at least $3000 in savings account 5. clean out the garage 6. lose 40 lbs 7. successfully complete the 365 Photography Project 8. a vacation for J.M. and I to a new place 9. a consistent, sustainable, active lifestyle 10. 11. 12. 13. I can't think of the rest right now, but there's more. There has to be more.