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Showing posts from December, 2012

Thirteen things to do in 2013

You know, everyone has their quirks -- some people are notoriously anal about how their closets are organized, some are particular about how they sort their CD collection. Me? I have a quirk -- sure. Should I jump right in and let you know? I mean, where's the fun in that? A little suspense never killed anyone.  My thing is, I list everything. Everything. All the time. It may be a compulsion. But I accept it. As 2012 comes rolling to an end, I find myself thinking about what I want out of 2013.  1. a new car 2. an engagement ring from J.M. 3. significant raise 4. at least $3000 in savings account 5. clean out the garage 6. lose 40 lbs 7. successfully complete the 365 Photography Project 8. a vacation for J.M. and I to a new place 9. a consistent, sustainable, active lifestyle 10.  11.  12.  13.  I can't think of the rest right now, but there's more. There has to be more.


Yep, you'll be seeing more of me on here. I officially got a laptop for Christmas from truly the best boyfriend - future husband - I could ever have asked for. Seems like we've reached this unfamiliar, yet welcome place where we're so blissful and grateful. It's not the laptop that makes him the best, it's the fact that he listened, that he knew I could use it -- not just that I wanted it, not just that I would like it -- but that I could use it, and that he surprised me with it. An ace in the hole , as he called it. Feels good to be writing from bed. Who would complain? I've been watching How I Met Your Mother and, to be honest, I love that show. It's weird -- kind of a cliché show, the kind of show that makes you wish you had that life -- friends always together at the bar after work, telling awesome adventure stories, growing and changing together. That's the kind of life I sometimes sit around and wish I had. Yet, at some point in life, I stray...