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Showing posts from October, 2012

Fest or Famine.

I'm experiencing horrific heartache right now. The only music festival I have ever loved, the Fest , is happening without me in Gainesville, FL, while my aged body sits at home, bonding with a package of Oreos and reruns of Sex and the City and polishing off the second half of a bottle of Moscato a friend brought over one night.. I cannot begin to define how much I wish I were making that up. I'll spend the next (if I had to guess) two paragraphs doing my best to convince myself I'm bigger than the sweaty, lust-hearty allure of the Fest, but to be candid, there isn't much I've loved more in the last ten years. Maybe not even my boyfriend. Ouch, sorry honey. It's just, nothing truly compares. Oh, silly me, I'm so dramatic. Have you ever felt that though? Have you ever felt the kinetic, bustling energy of a city full of people who all love the same chords? The same lyrics? Maybe some sports fans could relate. The fans of those teams who've won nation...

I wish I was a spray can.

I woke up with JM this morning and we had all intentions of going out for breakfast, but we so seldom get to just be together. We bailed on our own plans, and, instead, just stayed in bed together until about  an hour ago. I feel pretty good about life right now - we are happy and planning a fruitful future while painting a beautiful present for the both of us. I'm really unsure when we were last this happy, but truly don't care. And while there are things I surely hope will happen sooner rather than later, I am so pleased with where he and I are and how far we've come, that the sooner will be here soon enough and, if not, the later is okay too. I want to bottle this feeling of having nowhere else to be, but having endless opportunities, of having enough love to feed the world all packed into our respectably small-sized house, of feeling confident in our plans and scared of them all at the same time, and of knowing even if I ceased to exist tomorrow it would happen to a v...

Sectional seduction

Bought this beauty last weekend and she, yeah - she, has seduced me into not doing any of my daily house work. Truly though, can you blame me? In fact, I'm on my way home to cuddle with her now. I know, it's sick, I'm cheating on my good, reliable bed with the new girl on the scene. Later I'll report real news.