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Showing posts from 2012

Thirteen things to do in 2013

You know, everyone has their quirks -- some people are notoriously anal about how their closets are organized, some are particular about how they sort their CD collection. Me? I have a quirk -- sure. Should I jump right in and let you know? I mean, where's the fun in that? A little suspense never killed anyone.  My thing is, I list everything. Everything. All the time. It may be a compulsion. But I accept it. As 2012 comes rolling to an end, I find myself thinking about what I want out of 2013.  1. a new car 2. an engagement ring from J.M. 3. significant raise 4. at least $3000 in savings account 5. clean out the garage 6. lose 40 lbs 7. successfully complete the 365 Photography Project 8. a vacation for J.M. and I to a new place 9. a consistent, sustainable, active lifestyle 10.  11.  12.  13.  I can't think of the rest right now, but there's more. There has to be more.


Yep, you'll be seeing more of me on here. I officially got a laptop for Christmas from truly the best boyfriend - future husband - I could ever have asked for. Seems like we've reached this unfamiliar, yet welcome place where we're so blissful and grateful. It's not the laptop that makes him the best, it's the fact that he listened, that he knew I could use it -- not just that I wanted it, not just that I would like it -- but that I could use it, and that he surprised me with it. An ace in the hole , as he called it. Feels good to be writing from bed. Who would complain? I've been watching How I Met Your Mother and, to be honest, I love that show. It's weird -- kind of a cliché show, the kind of show that makes you wish you had that life -- friends always together at the bar after work, telling awesome adventure stories, growing and changing together. That's the kind of life I sometimes sit around and wish I had. Yet, at some point in life, I stray...

Spark Coach

I started a program on SparkPeople called Spark Coach. It's a daily tool for wellness that is designed and personalized to help keep me on track and making progress. I'm not sure how I'll like it, whether I'll actually use it, or if it's going to work even if I do use it, but nevertheless, I'm trying it.  I'm actually quite disappointed in myself. I woke up late for work because our power was out, so I was -- upon waking -- immediately pissed. Then, as if I didn't know it would be a bad idea, I stepped on the scale to learn I'd gained three pounds since the last time I weighed myself. Pardon my french, but what the fuck? I then went to work and proceeded to eat practically an entire 8 ounce bag of yogurt-covered raisins over the course of the day. Before driving home and making a smoothie (hey, props for that) and cooking a personal pizza for dinner. I'm sorry, but these are not behaviors I know to be a true description of myself. Where is th...

I'm thinking my thoughts are...

Our country is getting in shape, so should I. It might be time to rejoin a gym. There is a full service one locally that is owned by the same guy who owns the one I used to frequent. My thoughts are, I'd like it. About $100 for a year - probably well worth every penny. My thoughts are, there'd be far less distractions there than home. My thoughts are, I'd better wait until after the holidays, I have so many other things needing my attention, I'll need to make playlists first, who will go with me? My thoughts are diversions and excuses. My thoughts. My thoughts are only controlled by one thing and that's me. My thoughts are mine. I need to change my way of thinking. I think if I exercise more, I'll feel more energized. I think if I schedule time for exercise, I will feel more organized. I think I ought to do what my initial hought was to do... Join a gym.

Fest or Famine.

I'm experiencing horrific heartache right now. The only music festival I have ever loved, the Fest , is happening without me in Gainesville, FL, while my aged body sits at home, bonding with a package of Oreos and reruns of Sex and the City and polishing off the second half of a bottle of Moscato a friend brought over one night.. I cannot begin to define how much I wish I were making that up. I'll spend the next (if I had to guess) two paragraphs doing my best to convince myself I'm bigger than the sweaty, lust-hearty allure of the Fest, but to be candid, there isn't much I've loved more in the last ten years. Maybe not even my boyfriend. Ouch, sorry honey. It's just, nothing truly compares. Oh, silly me, I'm so dramatic. Have you ever felt that though? Have you ever felt the kinetic, bustling energy of a city full of people who all love the same chords? The same lyrics? Maybe some sports fans could relate. The fans of those teams who've won nation...

I wish I was a spray can.

I woke up with JM this morning and we had all intentions of going out for breakfast, but we so seldom get to just be together. We bailed on our own plans, and, instead, just stayed in bed together until about  an hour ago. I feel pretty good about life right now - we are happy and planning a fruitful future while painting a beautiful present for the both of us. I'm really unsure when we were last this happy, but truly don't care. And while there are things I surely hope will happen sooner rather than later, I am so pleased with where he and I are and how far we've come, that the sooner will be here soon enough and, if not, the later is okay too. I want to bottle this feeling of having nowhere else to be, but having endless opportunities, of having enough love to feed the world all packed into our respectably small-sized house, of feeling confident in our plans and scared of them all at the same time, and of knowing even if I ceased to exist tomorrow it would happen to a v...

Sectional seduction

Bought this beauty last weekend and she, yeah - she, has seduced me into not doing any of my daily house work. Truly though, can you blame me? In fact, I'm on my way home to cuddle with her now. I know, it's sick, I'm cheating on my good, reliable bed with the new girl on the scene. Later I'll report real news.

Charley McCarthy

I lost her laat night. She gave up her fight, that had been getting increasingly more difficult with each day, lasy night around 12:20AM. Susan and I were with her on the couch and we did what we could to make her comfortable. I love her some much and am so grateful for the last seven years of memories I was able to create with her. Charley, go home. Jasper has waited a long time to see you again.

Dear Danielle DeCosmo.

I was just going through old Facebook posts and this one deserves more back story while I'm still youthful enough to remember it. Here's the video, followed by an explanation. In May of last year, my best friend and sister went into septic shock from a toxic and fast-moving virus that took pure advantage of her weakened immune system. She was put into a coma, and loaded so heavily with antibiotic fluids her hands swelled up like inflated examining gloves and her facial features nearly disappeared under all the added water weight -- and this is the way she stayed for several weeks.  While she lay comatose, myself, all my family, and many varying friends, waited in the ICU family area day in and day out, anxiously awaiting updates. Some days there was a little glimmer of improvement, other days, no sign of change at all, but the most memorable news update was the one we received from her renal transplant doctor -- he came to the waiting area to tell us Susan's only hope...

from my writing station.

Right now -- like, right this very moment -- I am sitting in an antique chair, at a vintage, family heirloom desk, in my glorious Florida room. And I am writing you from the writing station I share with Jon-Michael. It is awesome. I feel good setting this area up -- like I'm getting my creativity back. I've been stifled for a little while -- trying to get inspiration when my world was packed away into a 10x20 storage unit was difficult. But tonight, Lord, tonight, it's all coming out of the boxes. Right here, right now, right behind me, I have about four boxes in process of emptying. I'll try and have it wrapped up before Jon-Michael gets home from work, but who's to care? He won't. I have the music jamming on the xbox (we haven't come across the ugly stereo we used to have yet.) and I am uncovering all kinds of inspiration in these boxes. First fantastic find -- the photo album from the Grand Canyon -- trip we only took 10 months ago, but feels like an ...

Futures and currents.

So... I bought a house. I briefly touched on this months ago. But I'm just getting around to spewing any deets. That's mostly because we still don't have internet at home, so, for one night, and one night only, I've packed my necessities and toted my happy ass down to Mickey D's to surf their WIFI. Primarily because I do have a deadline for my web maintenance -- I missed it already, but was able to get an extension considering the circumstances. Then the extension wasn't enough so I am truly left with no choice. Mickey D's is not my location of choice for free anything, or unfree anything for that matter, but there is no classier place offering up free intertubes. I'm not even going to get into the Grimm fairytale it took for me to even get set up and working here, never mind the happily ever after (please sense my sarcasm) of getting to share the only booth with a power outlet with some military guy who thinks he's God's gift to everyone and pr...

Sit ups and stuffffs

I got behind in my sit up challenge, but im going to be honest about it. I missed three days. the good news is I'm back in the swing, the bad news is I now have committed myself to making up those 300 sit ups. Looks like I'll be doing multiple sets on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. That is my plan for success. Also, there is a real chance I may be 3the only one still trying. To that, I say: wrong is still wrong even if everyone is doing it. And right is still right even when no one else is doing it. I said I'd do the challenge. I fell off the wagon, but I assure you, I'll be getting back on. The other thing... I think I want to own a kayak. That's all I have to say about that. Then there's my trip to Atlanta in July. I'm super, super excited about that. Not even entirely sure why, but I'm stoked. I'll be going to a baseball game, the aquarium, and who knows what else! Anyone have any other ideas for things to do in HotLanta? Cary, I'm talking...

This post is for Ryan.

I spent the weekend editing some wedding photos for a couple of friends who tied the knot, looking at Pinterest, and snuggling with Charley. She's not doing so well -- ferrets are only supposed to live until 5 years or so... She's 7-years-old. Without rushing her to the vet, I'm pretty certain she's developed cancer. It is typical in ferrets; the only two others I've had both died of a form of cancer. Her belly seems swollen and her skin is taut, with a noticeable lump below her ribs on her left side. she still has an appetite and a sense of rambunctiousness though ... And a love for cuddling. After talking for quite a while with the ZooMed doctor at ShandS/UF, Dr. Emerson, I decided it best not to take her to the vet on Sunday or today.There isn't anything they could do for her, the doctor determined that via phone, and she wasn't (and still isn't) in any pain. She just needs love right now and loads of love she shall receive. When trhings go down hil...

Sit ups and wedding photos and other jibbajabba

I truly hate my laptop. I spent the last few hours editing wedding photos for a couple of friends of mine and couldn't even surf the net at the same time (although it would surely have taken more than a few hours if I had been able to multi-task). Aaaannnndd, my cell phone had died to boot. I need a new laptop really badly, but I don't know which direction to head. The only lead I've got so far is that Toshiba offers a discount because of who I work for. Moving on, about a month ago I joined a 12-week challenge of doing 100 sit-ups a day. Yes, I'm whackadoodles. It started out five people strong and from everything I can tell, there are two of us left. Yes, I'm still going. It's not easy - hell, it's not even fun - but I did commit to it and I'm going to try to fully execute. Speaking of commitments, I briefly touched on this before, but I'm  going to reignite my fire for daily photography. I used to say I was burdened with my shitty laptop, but I...

This phone

<p>I just put the Blogger app on my phone!!!!! Why didn't I think of this before? Guess who'll be getting back into the 365 Photography Project AND written blogging. oh man... It is on.</p> <p>So my house closing was postponed due to the installation of a new A/C - my buying was contingent upon her installing one. Guess I'd rather wait than not have the new air conditioner. Obvi. Man, I have to go to work.


I am buying a house. It's beautiful. I'm in love with it. There is a huge master suite that includes a fabulous walk-in closet, bedroom designed for a king (and queen), and a bathroom with dual sinks a shower AND a tub, and a toilet in a room all by itself, then there is an enormous living room with an adjoining Florida room, and three, count 'em, THREE bay windows. The house is planted sweetly on a just quarter-acre lot with woods on three sides, settled a decent distance into a country club right on the Rainbow River. It is perfect. Truly perfect.