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Showing posts from August, 2008

Originally written 8/26/08

After Saturday and Sunday, I was kind of hoping Monday would just quietly creep into and quickly out of my life without so much as a blip on my radar. I didn't get what I was hoping for. But, I was -- at seemingly the last minute -- reminded that there is always a silver lining. I spent all day Monday praying the day's-over bell would ring and I could bust out the doors like Drew Carey on The Drew Carey Show and make swift my journey back home. I had come to terms with the fact that I simply HAD to clean what remained from the party two nights before. The house was starting to wreak of stale beer, chips, and candy. It was gross. But the euphoria of the nights before still lingered heavy in my thoughts (though it also still weighed heavily on my energy). Monday proved to be the longest work day I've ever had to face. Between Friday night and Sunday night I'd gotten just over a grand total of eight hours of sleep, did physically taxing labor for 19 hours, and partied f...

My friend Joe's Mom: For the Epic Win:

Yesterday a friend of mine shared a little story: "After finding a bong in my brothers closet made out of a toy lightsaber, my mom wrote my brother a note and placed it and the bong on his nightstand: " And this, young Luke, is why you will never get the keys to the Millennium Falcon. Love, Darth " Yes." ---------- Joe's mom is tres cool. She not only was able to reference Star Wars' lead Jedi, Luke Skywalker in her witty 'prepare for punishment' note, but she knew the name of the Millennium (freaking) Falcon. Han Solo is my dream boat. Joe's mom gets super cool points.

VertiGro: A New Wave of Agriculture.

Imagine a world where the produce you eat comes from a local grower rather than a distributor clear on the other side of the country, or worse, the world. That was once the case. But because we've allowed for concrete jungles to sprout, we've eliminated much of the land area we once used for farming. (Locally, Irish Acres on SR 441). Imagine the repercussions this choice has caused: increase in cost of produce due to distribution charges, gasoline, farmers and handlers pay, pesticides, taxes, the list goes on. And had you asked me two days ago whether I thought we could reverse this type of situation, I would have said it was very likely impossible. I would have been wrong. In a conversation with my brother last night, I learned about a revolutionary new way to approach farming. It's called VertiGro, and it's just what it sounds like. Farmers who think outside of the box have recently discovered that with an eighth of an acre (that's literally a...
Ever since middle school and Mr. Butterfield's class, which is where I was first introduced to the idea of these things, I've thought I'd do well working with an organization like Greenpeace. I talked with Patrick last night about the idea of teaching English abroad. I have to say, the idea first came over my radar from a friend who heard it from a guy on a plane who apparently was all kinds of gung-ho about it. I didn't think excessively about it at first. Actually, I was kind of complacent or under-enthused about this type of opportunity. I don't know why that was . . . timing? But the more I've talked to people about it, the more I've realized how common it is. All walks of life, all age ranges, people from all over the place and from all different backgrounds are teaching English in all sorts of foreign countries. Patrick has a handful of college-aged friends scattered all over the world teaching English (and helping people). Meanw...

Emergent is a word after all.

I think using Free Rice so often has subconsciously beefed up my vocabulary. A few months back the word 'emergent' rolled from my mouth as if it had been a long time resident of my tongue. But the very second I said it, my head cocked and I asked myself "where did that word come from?" Still, I never looked it up. It seemed logical to me that if something can be an emergency than things too can be emergent. But the more I used it, the more I realized no one knowingly knows that word. People I know and consider to be highly intelligent were caught off guard by my use of 'emergent' in conversation. Then they'd laugh, ask me where I heard it, and call me "silly" or "cute" for making up my own words. Alas! The great internet dictionary tells me that it is a word and, greater than that, I have been using it correctly. Since many of my smartest friends had never heard the word before, I have determined that I must have Free Rice...


I love when I find things that seem so retardedly fitting.