After Saturday and Sunday, I was kind of hoping Monday would just quietly creep into and quickly out of my life without so much as a blip on my radar. I didn't get what I was hoping for. But, I was -- at seemingly the last minute -- reminded that there is always a silver lining. I spent all day Monday praying the day's-over bell would ring and I could bust out the doors like Drew Carey on The Drew Carey Show and make swift my journey back home. I had come to terms with the fact that I simply HAD to clean what remained from the party two nights before. The house was starting to wreak of stale beer, chips, and candy. It was gross. But the euphoria of the nights before still lingered heavy in my thoughts (though it also still weighed heavily on my energy). Monday proved to be the longest work day I've ever had to face. Between Friday night and Sunday night I'd gotten just over a grand total of eight hours of sleep, did physically taxing labor for 19 hours, and partied f...