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Showing posts from May, 2008

Big Plans. Big Crash.

In other news, I have a three day weekend and seemingly no one to make plans with. It's actually quite disappointing. I don't know, I just don't want to stay home. And, I won't, I'm sure of that. I just don't want my only outing to be when I go pick up my Grandma at the bus station on Saturday morning. When Gary found out I was unaccounted for this weekend, he invited me over for their Memorial Day cook-out. We'll see. I don't mind spending time with he and Margie and whoever else may be there, but ... I just don't know. I'm not not unhappy with Gary right now, and yes, the double negative is deliberate. So, I've got words and concerns for him and I just don't know if that's the kind of situation I need to find myself in -- a family occasion at the Hine house. hmmm... Hopefully this weekend hanging out with Sarah will work out for Sunday. If it doesn't, I've got my fingers crossed that Patrick will be in town, and if he...

No shirt, no shoes, no service.

I bought a couple new shirts and a pair of shoes the other day, on the cheap. They're more feminine than I typically wear. I'm trying to be more that way, and less the way of jeans and t-shirts ... what's that called, androgynous? Now I just need an occasion to wear them. Anyone want to take me out?

A Little Bit of Consideration Would Go a Long Way.

First of all, unless all Hell breaks loose and I end up having to somehow kill the Undead, I am going home and going to bed today. Now, on to the topic at hand : consideration. Each and every single day I feel more and more that I must be one of the only generally considerate humans on the planet. Now, don't get me wrong, I can be inconsiderate -- like when I pass you going 65 in a 45 zone even though you're going 15 over the speed limit already, and cut back in close just so I don't hit that double solid line. Hey, some mornings call for stunt driving. What can I say? What I'm saying is that on a day-to-day basis, in some very rudimentary ways, I witness people being inconsiderate. And I, well ... I do my very best to be as considerate as possible all the time. I hold the door for those behind me. I wave hello. I ask how your day is going. I care. I genuinely care to know how you are doing. So many people just don't anymore and it's utterly dis...

The Top Ten Biggest Things On My Mind Today.

Things have been really difficult, emotionally taxing, for me today. This is the first chance I've had to write it all out in length, so I suppose I'll do just that. I'm hoping if I actually acknowledge all the emotionally weighty things on my mind, some of that weight will be lifted, or transfered to paper/interwebz. I suppose, for ease of comprehension, I'll go in chronological order. 1. My beautiful ONF. My dad was reading the paper a couple weeks back and read one headline in particular that left me irritated beyond words. To celebrate the Ocala National Forest's 100th year, we (and I use this term loosely, as I am in no way affiliated with this plan) intend to plow down 45 MORE (added to the already existing 140 miles) miles of trees and vegetation for the entertainment and satisfaction of rednecks and city slickers alike; all of whom find joy in speeding through habitats and damaging the fragile yet thriving National Forest -- not to mention, these people are ...