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Showing posts from March, 2008

Seven Sweet Little Facts.

This blog is sort of a game of 20Q, minus the Q. Here are the rules, too bad I don't have seven friends on blogspot. :( 1. Share seven facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some fun. 2. Tag seven people at the end of your post by leaving their names and links to their blogs. 3. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog. So, here we go: 1. I have a not-s0-secret desire to pack some of my belongs and move to Baltimore and buy a row house for me and my doggies. I would miss my family and some of my friends and I wouldn't like the harsh snows much, but I'd be happy there, I just know it. 2. I have extensive internet conversations regularly with friends that are solely games of 20 Questions and I wouldn't have it any other way. I think I'm quite addicted to the game. It probably stems from my fascination with surveys and the fact that I am almost entirely an open book. 3. I have more close friends living out of the state of Florida than I...

family bonding.

It was just Dad and I at the house around dinner time last night. He got home a few minutes after me, then we proceeded to scour the kitchen pantries for dinner -- settling on Cheerios for me and cheese and Triscuits for Dad. What a hearty meal for the both of us. I think watching Food Network while I forced down flavorless Cheerios, made them easier to swallow. I imagined they tasted like the oh-so-decadent looking angel food cake with caramelized strawberries on top and before I knew it, I'd eaten my whole dinner. :) We flipped over from Food Network to CNN and spent the next half hour talking over the news anchors. One thing my dad and I are, without doubt, is Union people. And what's the first bit of news on CNN when we click over -- Boeing outsourcing all their work. Yippee-ky-eh! So we're giving away more American jobs. Right bunch of geniuses we are. Meanwhile, the majority of Americans are already underpaid, in debt, out of work, and desperate. (If you...